From the Desk of Linda Tellington-Jones

Archive for the ‘Interspecies Communication’ Category


I get so much joy from some of the interspecies connections that come across my desk I’ve decided to share them on my blog from time to time. I hope you get as much delight as i do when I feel the connection between these two. This was sent to me by my friend, Christine Hillis from Edmonton, Alberta. Christine went to school with my brother, Randy, and became a shopping companion and later a care-giver to our Mother, Marion in the last  of years of her life. Mom and Christine came to visit us in Hawaii once, and so our friendship has deepened over the years.
Although I don’t see her often, we stay in touch through email and the quote she sent me actually describes our friendship and the friendship I feel for so many of you who have connected with me through TTouch courses, from emails you send me, and from the amazing Facebook.

‘No distance of place or lapse of time
can lessen the friendship
of those who are thoroughly
persuaded of each other’s worth.’
Robert Southey (1774 – 1843)


A deer visits a cat in a yard every morning…
There is nothing more wonderful than animals !
This cat in Harrisburg  has her friend that comes to see her every morning.
The owner finally took pics.


Mele Kalikimaka and Hau’oli Makahiki Hou!

Mele Kalikimaka and Hau’oli Makahiki Hou means Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Hawaiian!

May this Christmas and the coming year bring you a deep sense of peace and well-being, much joy, great inspiration, boundless vitality and prosperity and the opportunity to make a difference in the world.

Much love from Linda, Roland and Rayne

Since returning home November 23rd, I’ve not had a moment until now to write my blog or keep up with Facebook and I have been missing the connection with you all very much. Sitting on an island 2500 miles out in the Pacific Ocean could feel lonely, except for the miraculous World Wide Web and the amazing network of people I feel in touch with on all parts of the globe. 2010 has been a year of many miracles for me, as a result of both prayer and TTouch. The celebration of the birth of Christ, and the miraculous way this event has impacted the lives of countless millions for more than 2000 years, has inspired me to take this time to record some of the miracles that tend to get overlooked in the hustle and bustle of daily life. (more…)

Practitioners and Instructors Share Their Thoughts on Our Visit to the Zurich Zoo

Hello my friends,
I know that many of you love to hear/read what’s been happening, so let me tell you about last week’s meeting with Linda at the Zurich zoo.
The wonderful Teresa and Lisa from Switzerland planned and organized this amazing event. It was breathtakingly wonderful. (more…)

Singing the Camel Song

I thought I’d write to you a little more about our evening at the Parco Zoo Punta Verde in Lignano, Italy. We had such a great time and made such progress, I wanted to share it with you. (more…)

Our August Teleclass Was Such A Success, We Have Scheduled Another for December! Join Us!

Because of all the positive feedback from our teleclass on Profound Interspecies Communication, Sage Lewis and I will be doing another phone-teleclass on December 1 at 8:30pm EST (5:30pm PST).

Please subscribe to the Tellington TTouch e-news for more information on this upcoming teleclass.

I thought I’d share a few of the very gratifying emails Sage passed on to me afterward. (more…)

Profound Interspecies Connections

I’m in the process of putting together a power point presentation for two zoo presentations in September; so I thought it would be fun to share some of the pictures here with you. The first presentation is at a special evening event at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland on September 2nd. And the second at a zoo on the east coast of Italy on the Adriatic Sea in Lignano Sabbiadoro, September 11th. The presentation is called Profound Interspecies Connections, describing special experiences with a wide variety of animals including many exotics in zoos and some wonderful experiences with horses, dogs, cats, a mouse named Ace, reptiles, birds (my McCaw who sent the neighbors hunting dog packing!) and much more . I’ve been enjoying the memories of these magical moments as I’ve been preparing for the presentation. (more…)

Join Us for A Turtle Intention Experience

Join me for this intention experiment on July 4th! Tellington TTouch Practitioner Juel Duke has put together this fabulous slideshow (click on “Intention Experience”) to acquaint us with these fascinating creatures.

Take a little time to appreciate the expressions and the experiences they go through as they emerge into life. What a miracle!!!

Thank You Juel!

A Message From The Spirit of the Horse

Today I will be featured at the opening of a horse expo – the first of its kind – called Equorius – meaning the age of the horse from May 6 – 9. The website is

Roland and I just met Naomi Kutcharsky “by accident” at breakfast and shared the message FROM THE SPIRIT OF THE HORSE. This whole expo is organized with the idea of bringing together people who honor the spirit of horses. It is the first time that this has been done and Naomi, who composed my Atlantis poem into a song, will be singing the song as an opening after my opening presentation at 4:00 pm today. I eventually plan to have the song up here on my blog for you to download. (more…)

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

On this blessed Easter Sunday, as countless millions celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, this experience Karin Sifter shared with me and I pass along to you, holds a message of hope to all whose animal companions have “Crossed the Rainbow Bridge.” In my classes I often share the philosophy of the beloved Hawaiian spiritual guide and friend, Auntie Mahealani Henry, who teaches that the journey that most call death is actually just a Change of Address.

It is my belief that many of the beloved animals who leave the physical body can stay with us in spirit when we take them into our hearts and celebrate the joy they have brought to our lives. Once we become accustomed to the loss of their physical presence, we can have them with us always be in our hearts. And of course, this belief does not refer only to our animals. My darling Mother danced over the Rainbow Bridge to join my Dad on Valentine’s Day two years ago in her 94th year. As I write this, tears flood my eyes, but I now hold her close in my heart with my Dad, and have them both with me every minute of the day instead of just once a year or several times a week on the phone. I believe the animals who have been so close to us can also fill our hearts. I share Karin’s marvelous story to give hope to those of you who have lost a beloved family member, whether it be two-legged, four-legged, feathered, finned or furred.

Blessings on this Easter Day,


image courtesy


Gorgeous Photos Added to “My Spontaneous Visit with Frédéric & Magali: Intuition, Attitude & Avignon”

I have added photos to My Spontaneous Visit with Frédéric & Magali: Intuition, Attitude & Avignon.

I’m really thrilled to be able to share images of Frédéric Pignon and Magali Delgado and their stallions taken behind the scenes at Cheval Passion. Go take a look!

Gorgeous Photos Added to "My Spontaneous Visit with Frédéric & Magali: Intuition, Attitude & Avignon"

I have added photos to My Spontaneous Visit with Frédéric & Magali: Intuition, Attitude & Avignon.

I’m really thrilled to be able to share images of Frédéric Pignon and Magali Delgado and their stallions taken behind the scenes at Cheval Passion. Go take a look!

My Spontaneous Visit with Frédéric & Magali: Intuition, Attitude & Avignon

As I expect you know by now, TTouch came into being because I learned to trust my intuition way back in the 1960’s. This came as a result of a computer-generated astrological chart that stated that in my lifetime I would develop a new form of communication that would spread around the world. It was made clear to me that in order to develop this communication I would have to learn to trust my intuition. I’ve been practicing and listening to those aha! moments and intuitive directions since that very day.

So, out of the blue, on the 6th of January I began to get a strong sense that I should fly to southern France to spend a few days with my friends, Magali Delgado and Frédéric Pignon.

Three days later I flew from Kona to San Francisco, bedded down for the night in a hotel, and flew over the pole the next day to Frankfurt, Germany and on to Marseille, France, where Frédéric picked me up at the airport. We made it back over snowy roads in time for his rehearsal in the main arena at midnight with the six stallions Fred had brought for his 16-minute performance as a main attraction of Cheval Passion.

From My Inbox: A Letter From A Reader Evokes “Orca Feeling”

I’m really thrilled to receive feedback on my blog. The following email response all the way from South Africa took me back to a memorable experience on the coast of British Columbia in 1988 when I joined a group of friends on a trip to support Jim Nollman’s studies of interspecies communication. We had many awesome interactions with orcas that I wrote about in my book, The Tellington TTouch: Caring for Animals with Heart and Hands. It’s full of stories of my work around the world with many species.To read Michelle’s email and more about my experiences on that trip, click “more.”


From My Inbox: A Letter From A Reader Evokes "Orca Feeling"

I’m really thrilled to receive feedback on my blog. The following email response all the way from South Africa took me back to a memorable experience on the coast of British Columbia in 1988 when I joined a group of friends on a trip to support Jim Nollman’s studies of interspecies communication. We had many awesome interactions with orcas that I wrote about in my book, The Tellington TTouch: Caring for Animals with Heart and Hands. It’s full of stories of my work around the world with many species.To read Michelle’s email and more about my experiences on that trip, click “more.”


Uhane Nui O Nai’a: Connecting With the Great Spirit of the Dolphins

This is me giving the "Hang Loose" sign underwater

Early yesterday morning saw a full moon casting a “moon river” over Kealakekua Bay as Lynn Powell and I were the first to arrive slightly before 6:30 am at one of our favorite spots to hang out with wild dolphins. We waited quietly on the shore for about 20 minutes and then many dolphins began spinning and jumping out of the water and tail-slapping, not more than 100 yards from shore! The water was totally quiet – the quietest I have seen it in that bay since I began swimming there almost 20 years ago.

Uhane Nui O Nai'a: Connecting With the Great Spirit of the Dolphins

This is me giving the "Hang Loose" sign underwater

Early yesterday morning saw a full moon casting a “moon river” over Kealakekua Bay as Lynn Powell and I were the first to arrive slightly before 6:30 am at one of our favorite spots to hang out with wild dolphins. We waited quietly on the shore for about 20 minutes and then many dolphins began spinning and jumping out of the water and tail-slapping, not more than 100 yards from shore! The water was totally quiet – the quietest I have seen it in that bay since I began swimming there almost 20 years ago.

From Cat Fancy Magazine: The Cats of Pollsmoor Prison by Sandy Robins

This is a heart warming article by Sandy Robins* in CatFancy Magazine that really reveals how animals can be ambassadors for kindness and love if given the necessary assistance. In this case, Rita Brock, a South African lady who would not accept the word “no,” gave the assistance needed to bring feline animal ambassadors to a maximum secirity prison, where they helped to soften the hearts and minds of prisoners.

I am presenting this article here with Sandy’s permission.



Rayne and I writing to you all on Jan 4, 2009.

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Note my sleeveless top. I can be comfortable in this because of a perfect 80 degree Temperature and a light tropical breeze – typical Kona weather in January. I’m very juiced with energy as we head into this 9th year of 21st millennium and looking forward to sharing my experiences with you.

I want to introduce you to the special objects on my writing table that I keep for support and inspiration.

Time Out in Slovenia

It was a brilliant decision to cancel our two-day holiday in Venice and stay here at the ranch. It’s a chance to relax in this sweet paradise and to work on projects. I was up at 6:00 a.m. – the latest I have slept since arriving, to enjoy the early morning quiet. We had coffee again on the patio in front of the house with the cats and dog and worked all day on our computers. Andre made an appointment for me at a local spa which would have been very welcome, but also irresponsible, considering I am working on material for the Institute of Interspecies Communication for Wisdom University and our new TTouch for Healthcare website, besides keeping up this journal for Kim Carneal who is also helping me figure out my new My Space. It is so much fun to share our travels.

rejuvenation - early morning coffee in slovenia Roland and I with this lovely dog that Darja rescued from a shelter.

rejuvination - early morning coffee in slovenia Roland and I with this lovely dog that Darja rescued from a shelter.



© Linda Tellington-Jones 2008

Kaja & Grom Ranch, Slovenia: Inspiration

I awoke around 5 a.m. with in inspiration. In 1984 while working as a Citizen Diplomat with Esalen Soviet/American Exchange, I found that animals created connections in the former Soviet Union that brought new understanding and communication. It was at this time that I conceived of the idea of Animal Ambassadors – acknowledging animals as ambassadors to open new doors for communication as well as we humans taking the responsibility of being ambassadors for the animals – to protect them with our hands, our hearts and our voices.

I know that animals play a much more important, often understated role, but I could not find words that seemed appropriate for the feelings I had. This morning I awoke before dawn and the following words seemed to flow onto the computer screen, as though dictated by my guardian angel.

Animal Ambassadors and the Tellington TTouch Training programs teach a basic philosophy of kindness rather than domination of animals and yet leads to a much deeper spiritual level – a recognition of Oneness with All.

Our purpose is to promote understanding, compassion, and caring of our fellow beings by learning to treat animals with care, compassion and understanding. In this way animals become our teachers to help us become more caring, loving human beings with the intent to make a shift– from competition to cooperation, from reaction to action – from aggression to compassion – to shift our individual molecular makeup – our DNA – from survival to intelligence. In this way we can learn to be guardians on this precious planet.

This work is about communication: Communication with our own species, and with other species on many levels; verbally, non-verbally; equally from the mind and from the heart.

TTouch takes the understanding to another level: to the universe within our cells so that we awaken the ability to connect with the divine mind within our selves.

With self-applied TTouch we are able to reach a new level of intelligence according to the first definition in the Merriam.-Webster Dictionary: “the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations.” In other words, to develop our skills and our ability to adapt in this rapidly-changing world. Not just to adapt for our own survival, but with an open heart and caring for the collective whole. By TTouching another being – whether it is an animal or a person – we connect at a cellular level beyond words. In this way we learn a new form of communication and we honor animals as our teachers.

Fog fills the valley and the horses are like ghosts in the mist. I worked on my Animal Ambassador statement and at 8 a.m. when Roland and Andre and Darja woke up we sat in the courtyard enjoying sweet Slovenian coffee in the quiet. Between conversations I was photographing the spider webs and the peacock who came for cat food. Heavenly!

Roland was delighted with my Animal Ambassador statement, which I have been waiting to write for ten years. I can only wait for the muse – or the angels – and it always comes to me out of a deep sleep. This was perfect timing because Darja had another unexpected press interview and found my Animal Ambassador purpose helpful for explaining the work with the children that they do here.

Sheep Ambassadors at Kaja & Grom

Sheep Ambassadors at Kaja & Grom

We spent part of the morning helping Darja feed the horses and sheep and goats and pig and chickens and then we just hung out and worked on our computers for most of the day.

Goat Ambassadors at Kaja & Grom

Goat Ambassadors at Kaja & Grom

In the late afternoon Simon (the symphony conductor) and his wife Andrea came out and I spent some time helping with their stallion, Maj.

© Linda Tellington-Jones 2008

Kona, Hawaii to Lubjanja, Slovenia

We’re off on another three-month teaching tour of seven countries and even though I packed my suitcases the day before (what a relief!) we still rush out the door at the last minute. We left Rayne in the expert care of Kim Carneal, a TTEAM Practitioner-in-Training, and the angel who is responsible for reviewing many of my videos and getting them onto YouTube. She’s also taken on the responsibility of getting a separate Animal Ambassador website up. Mahalo Kim!

We had a bit of a shock arriving at the airport to discover our plane was leaving 30 minutes ahead of our printed schedule and we were told we were too late. However, with a typical aloha attitude, the United Airlines employee at the check in counter made an exception and hustled us on board. Whew! Were we grateful. Our 5 suitcases even made it.

We stayed overnight in San Francisco and climbed aboard the almost 10 hour flight to Frankfurt rested and thoroughly delighted to discover we had been upgraded to business class on the newest United plane with seats that lay flat like a real bed. Plus we were upstairs which is our favorite. It’s like being on cruise ship with individual large video screens and many bells and whistles. The seats are so comfortable that I worked all night on my computer and Roland spent most of the night listening to Pavarotti and some of his favorite opera music, and I found some exquisite classical music to keep me inspired.

We had a short layover in Frankfurt and then on to Slovenia. This is our second trip to Slovenia and we were eager to meet our friends, Darja & Andre Znidersic who have organized a dog and a horse demo for me, to highlight their weekend of “open door” celebration of their new TTEAM, TTouch and Animal Ambassador Center.

Flying into Slovenia gave me the impression of landing in a fairytale. Spectacular mountain ridges, lush valleys and small villages lay beneath us like something out of a children’s story tale. The airport in Ljubianja is small for a capital city – something I prize in this age of gigantic airports that look alike no matter what country we’re in.

Darja met us at the airport with her friend Simon Dvorsak, who is the conductor of the Symphony Orchestra Domzale-Kamnik and will be opening the Saturday evening program. with a concert at the ranch. Driving through the Slovenian countryside through small villages – with every house surrounded by flower gardens and garlanded with flower boxes – between fields of ripening crops – and through mountain valleys with steep tree-covered slopes – was a welcoming feeling, like entering a magical kingdom in a former time.

A narrow winding road leads through the woods to the Kaja and Grom Ranch. And what a treasure is this newest center featuring TTouch and Animal Ambassadors programs. My first visual impressions were of the horses grazing peacefully in pastures on one side of the road and on the other side a pair of sheep and a pot-bellied pig. And then the most beautiful wooden houses with window boxes and gardens of flowers with flagstone entrance, framed by forest on one side and a distant mountain range beyond, the forested rolling hills. The love with which Darja and Andre have built most of this with their own hands, can be felt from afar. Their daughter, Manca, graciously turned over her upstairs bedroom to us, where we have cable internet and the sweetest view from the curtained windows. Sleeping in a totally wooden house that has been built with loving, caring hands, deep in the forest where the only sound at night are frogs and the occasional night bird, is a luxury I have seldom experienced.

Darja and Andrej moved this house board by board from their former location. its the library and teaching room for the summer camp and daily visits by school children who come to learn how to be with horses, sheep, potbelly pig,  goats and chickens and walk and often sleep in the woods to listen for the fairies and creatures of the forest. TTouch has been an integral part of the learning for more than 2000 children a year over the past decade.

Darja and Andrej moved this house board by board from their former location. its the library and teaching room for the summer camp and daily visits by school children who come to learn how to be with horses, sheep, potbelly pig, goats and chickens and walk and often sleep in the woods to listen for the fairies and creatures of the forest. TTouch has been an integral part of the learning for more than 2000 children a year over the past decade.

his peaceful morning scene - the stone walkway to the library and the mascot Lippizaner behind the bush take me back to the magical feeling of the new TTEAM/TTouch Center Slovenia at the Kaja & Grom Ranch.

this peaceful morning scene - the stone walkway to the library and the mascot Lippizaner behind the bush take me back to the magical feeling of the new TTEAM/TTouch Center Slovenia at the Kaja & Grom Ranch.

Arthur, a 32-year-old retiree rescued by Darja and Andrej to live out his life, roams the property freely during the day and grazes on the lawn in front of the main house. The white Lippizaner is huge, and I dreamed of exactly this horse the week before I visited their former center and when I saw this horse in the yard I knew we had much work to do together.

Arthur, a 32-year-old retiree rescued by Darja and Andrej to live out his life, roams the property freely during the day and grazes on the lawn in front of the main house. The white Lippizaner is huge, and I dreamed of exactly this horse the week before I visited their former center and when I saw this horse in the yard I knew we had much work to do together.

I am blown away by the organization for these two days of my demos. Darja has made up notebooks with pens attached for each of the 200 participants. I signed 200 printed Certificates of Completion – with each person’s hand-printed name. The certificates and the program are all printed on recycled paper, as are the bookmarks, with photos of the ranch animals – with a famous poem on the back – which are gifted to each participant.

Darja arranged for the translation and printing of two of my books into Slovenian – TTouch for Dogs, and Let’s Ride. I have to change all my bios now, to show books in 13 languages.

The Ranch is designed especially for eight-week summer camps for children who come from nearby European countries and as far away as America and Russia. The international blend of participants is part of the valuable training given to the youngsters in the summer program.. There are two bedrooms for the children who range in age from 7 to 18. One bedroom has 9 beds and the other 3 beds.

two thousand children a year come to Kaja & Grom Ranch to be with Darja and Andrej and their animals. Roland enjoying an early morning moment of peace.

two thousand children a year come to Kaja & Grom Ranch to be with Darja and Andrej and their animals. Roland enjoying an early morning moment of peace.

Darja (squatting) and I with teenagers who have been coming for many years to the magical summer camp at Kaja & Grom Ranch

Darja (squatting) and I with teenagers who have been coming for many years to the magical summer camp at Kaja & Grom Ranch

During the rest of the year, children come for the weekends as a part of an official school program. They learn about conservation, work with horses and other animals, caring for each other and TTouch. Andre takes them for an overnight survival course where they learn to track and catch fish and cook over a fire.

I am waiting for the chance to get enough time online to post all the beautiful photos taken here at Kaja and Grom Ranch. Check back!

To visit the Kaja and Grom Ranch website: Go to and click on TTouch and TTEAM in Slovenia. You will find the English version of Darja and Andre’s website, KajainGrom Ranch with many photos of their activities and Animal Ambassador Programs.

© Linda Tellington-Jones 2008

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