From the Desk of Linda Tellington-Jones

Posts tagged ‘epiphysitis’

Tellington TTouch Success: Don Diego

I am so fortunate to receive accounts of Tellington TTouch® at work from some talented and dedicated horse professionals around the world.

Swiss horse trainer Brigitte Schworer has been a TTouch practitioner for horses for almost two decades. She recently sent me this TTouch success story from Switzerland. It demonstrates how patience, understanding and Tellington TTouch can save a horse’s life. After Equitana in Essen, Germany, Brigitte sent the following email.

The horse: Don Diego, Oldenburger gelding born 1/6/2005, currently 170 cm. Born a twin but his brother died at birth.
Sire: Don Vino, Donnerhall, Consul
Sire’s sire : Cor de la Bruyere, Marduk


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