From the Desk of Linda Tellington-Jones

Archive for the ‘Dogs’ Category

Mindful Handler, Peaceful Dog

I landed in Washington, DC from Germany May 25th and on the evening of the 27th, I taught a very well-attended training, TTouch for You and Your Dog I am bringing in a new aspect that people really seem to resonate with – teaching them the Three Magic TTouches for self-help to enhance personal well-being and reduce stress and acknowledging these touches as gifts from our animals.

I will be doing the same on Tuesday the 21st at the fund-raiser in Santa Fe so if you are in the area call my Santa Fe office at 800 854 8326 for the venue and details.

I thought you might enjoy this blog post, reprinted with permission from the author, Kirsten, on her lovely blog, Peaceful Dog. (more…)

Charlie the Therapy Bassett Hound and PiT Patricia Tirrell Visit the Durham Rehabilitation Center

I just had to share this short and moving story by Patricia Tirrell, a Tellington TTouch Practitioner-in-Training with you. The wonders animals are able to achieve still amaze me, day after day. Enjoy!

Charlie | Patricia Tirrell

Charlie and I were visiting at The Durham Rehabilitation Center with a young woman who had had a stroke. Her left hand was still in the shape of a club and much of her left side was semi-paralyzed. She was the only person in the recreation room with Charlie and me while the recreation therapist, Betsy, went to go get more patients to start the session. (more…)

A Message From Debby Potts, TTouch Instructor

TTouch Instructors Debby Potts and Lauren McCall have been teaching Tellington TTouch in Japan for Companion Animals, horses and bunnies for many years. Debby was teaching a horse training in Japan when the earthquake struck and Lauren was in the air just 30 minutes from landing in Tokyo. Their on-the-spot stories that were sent out in our ENEWS on Friday, March 25th, give us a sense of being there in those historical first hours.

Animals are very important to Japanese people. I was so touched by these photos of animals living in the shelters with their people. Japan set a new precedent for the rest of the world to follow in times of crisis by allowing animals to accompany their families into the human shelters.

Authorities in charge of rescue housing must grok the need to care for our animal companions in the case of disaster as we would care for humans. Let us hold the intention that Japan will be a new model for the future for the United States and the rest of the world, so that never again will animals have to be left behind as they were during the Katrina disaster.

Please send your prayers and donations if you can. I understand there is a need for food, water and food bowls, pee pads, leashes, blankets and other supplies for all the dogs, cats, birds and other animal companions who are in shelters and may remain there for many months. By helping the animals, I know we are directly reaching out and making a difference in the lives of their guardians who love them so dearly.

My special thanks to Debby and Lauren for the spectacular work they are doing in Japan; to all the Japan TTouch Family who are reaching out to others to help in this time; and to all of you who send your prayers and donations.

Lets join our hearts and minds
with healing intention and support
sending Heart Hugs to the people and animals of Japan
with the feelings of Understanding, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Compassion
and together, let us
Change the World,
One TTouch at a Time.

Debby Potts, Tellington TTouch InstructorMany of you know that I have been teaching in Japan for the past 17 years. I love Japan and look forward to the trips I make there every year. The time is filled with TTouch, great people and animals, and wonderful food.

My most recent trip was also filled with the events I want to share here. I was teaching a basic horse workshop on March 11 and had just started a demonstration when the ground started shaking. That happens in Japan from time to time and we waited for it to stop – except this time it just kept getting bigger! (more…)

The Great Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: How You Can Help the Animals

The Great Earthquake

The Northeastern side of Japan suffered a major earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, 2011. Many areas, especially the coastal towns, have been literally washed away. Though it is true that incredible numbers of people are suffering greatly from the aftermath of this unprecedented disaster, we also need to think of our animal friends. Fortunately many, many people were able to escape with their animals, but just as many were washed ashore either with their people or not . . . There are not as many animals wandering through the disaster area as compared to the Great Hanshin Earthquake. Many of the animals did not survive the tsunami. (more…)

Spotlight on TTouch Practitioner Linda Troup: Profound Gratitude

Linda Troup, a Tellington TTouch Practitioner I from San Diego, California has been a real inspiration for me as I followed her progress throughout the past few years. Finding TTouch while trying to help her dog Sammi recover from back problems led her to become one of our most forward-thinking and creative practitioners. Linda has gotten out into her community, bringing awareness to the plight of rescue dogs, the issues that face shelters and shelter dogs, and French Bulldog rescue. Equally important, Linda has followed her intuition and her heart, bringing her passion and love for animals to the task of saving the lives of dogs while contributing to the knowledge base of Tellington TTouch Training.

As we move forward through the 21st century, I envision passionate, courageous, and determined young minds like Linda joining forces with our instructors and practitioners to further develop the Tellington Method© and increase its impact on the world of animals everywhere. Linda, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your courage, heart, and skill! You are truly changing the world one TTouch at a time.

Josie Overcomes Aggression Toward Other Dogs With the Help of a “Stuffie”

I’m sometimes asked if I ever get tired of hearing the stories about animals whose lives are changed by Tellington TTouch® Training. The answer is a clear, “Definitely not”. The stories and feedback are what keep me inspired and passionate about sharing the work. So I would love to hear any of your stories no matter what the animals.

During the TTouch Advanced training for Companion animals in St. Paul Minnesota last year we invited several interesting dogs with extreme behavior issues to be demos for the class. The 8 year old German Shepherd, Josie came to us with her companion, Bill who just sent me this letter of thanks which i wish to share. Josie is a lovely dog with humans but 3 trainers had been unsuccessful at bringing her to a place where she could be trusted to be near another dog. With the help of  a “stuffy” in the beginning, Josie came to a point in about an hour of calmly accepting two other dogs in the room. An act that Bill had not dared to hope for. He sent a few photos to demonstrate the success. I’m including his website, the Human Chrysalis about his touching and inspiring emergence from care-giver to a new life.


The Intelligence of Dogs

Dogs have been close family members now for 70 years. Hard to believe, but one of my earlier photos that Mother had in our album was me sitting on the porch of our tent/house in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories of Canada when I was 3 years old. She said she had just interrupted a little breakfast  – a piece of bacon I was sharing with our dog.
As I write this, our Westie, Rayne, is lying on the couch sleeping since it well past 11PM and she rarely goes to bed without me. I’m fascinated by the intelligence of dogs, and their amazing ability to communicate with us in so many subtle, and not so subtle ways. I’m delighted that there more articles being written about the intelligence of dogs. I enjoyed this one in the New York Times that was sent to me by TTouch Practitioner Jessica O’Donoghue entitled,
There is also a video of  Chaser, the “border collie who lives in Spartanburg, S.C., and has the largest vocabulary of any known dog. She knows 1,022 nouns, a record that displays unexpected depths of the canine mind and may help explain how children acquire language.” You can watch it here.

“Talk Story” of TTouch for Humans

Join our next live teleclass!

Tellington TTouch For You
“Talk Story” of TTouch for Humans

– A Gift from the Animals with Linda Tellington-Jones and Sage Lewis

Linda Tellington-Jones and Sage Lewis


January 19, 2011

8:30-10:00pm EST (5:30-7:00pm PST)
Cost is only $19! (credit cards accepted) (more…)

Our August Teleclass Was Such A Success, We Have Scheduled Another for December! Join Us!

Because of all the positive feedback from our teleclass on Profound Interspecies Communication, Sage Lewis and I will be doing another phone-teleclass on December 1 at 8:30pm EST (5:30pm PST).

Please subscribe to the Tellington TTouch e-news for more information on this upcoming teleclass.

I thought I’d share a few of the very gratifying emails Sage passed on to me afterward. (more…)

Sharing the Den

Brigitte Heyer lives in Australia and did her first TTEAM training with me in Germany more than 25 years ago.

Even over all the years in between when Brigitte and I were not in touch, I have treasured a gift from her: a handmade tile depicting a rearing horse. I think of her every day when I look at it in my kitchen. Brigitte, like all of you out there, have been a part of my life all these years.

I’d like to share with you some words Brigitte wrote to me recently about the role of animals in her life. (more…)

A Steady Diet of TTouch and Custom Chow Keep Gertie the Doxie Spunky

This is the type of story that keeps me inspired and dedicated to travelling the globe sharing Tellington TTouch. Thank you Linda Troup, for the wonderful work you are doing and your willingness to take the time to share your experiences. It gives many people hope.

Turtle TTouch + The Body and Head Wraps = The Gift Wrap of Comfort for Dachshund Gracie

I received this communication from Marsha T. Wallace via our Tellington Training message boards on Yahoo. She reports an interesting and effective combination of Turtle TTouches and the body wrap for her severely thunderstorm-sensitive Dachshund Gracie. If your dog suffers from the same symptoms as Gracie, consider trying what Marsha has done. (more…)

A Message From The Spirit of the Horse

Today I will be featured at the opening of a horse expo – the first of its kind – called Equorius – meaning the age of the horse from May 6 – 9. The website is

Roland and I just met Naomi Kutcharsky “by accident” at breakfast and shared the message FROM THE SPIRIT OF THE HORSE. This whole expo is organized with the idea of bringing together people who honor the spirit of horses. It is the first time that this has been done and Naomi, who composed my Atlantis poem into a song, will be singing the song as an opening after my opening presentation at 4:00 pm today. I eventually plan to have the song up here on my blog for you to download. (more…)

Touch N Paws, TTouch N Ears, Saving Lives

I really want to share with you this wonderful story sent to me by a client of one of our most active practitioners-in-training, Linda Troup, of Touch N Paws in southern California.

LeeAnne Galasso relates her experience of using ear TTouch to save her dog’s life. It is quite hair-raising. Before reading, enjoy the slide show of her beautiful doggies.

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The Body Wrap and the Thunder Shirt: Applying the Right Touch to Fearful, Phobic Dogs

We have been using Tellington TTouch body wraps combined with Ear TTouches on fearful dogs with great success since the late 90’s with hundreds of success stories.

I also recommend the new Thunder Shirt because it is easy to put on and easy for a person to understand. The simple TTouch body wrap has a remarkable success rate, but many people feel more comfortable buying a special product. For that reason I highly recommend the Thunder Shirt and appreciate the reasonable $36 price tag. Whatever the reason for the fear – TTOUCH body wraps and Thundershirts work. (more…)

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

On this blessed Easter Sunday, as countless millions celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, this experience Karin Sifter shared with me and I pass along to you, holds a message of hope to all whose animal companions have “Crossed the Rainbow Bridge.” In my classes I often share the philosophy of the beloved Hawaiian spiritual guide and friend, Auntie Mahealani Henry, who teaches that the journey that most call death is actually just a Change of Address.

It is my belief that many of the beloved animals who leave the physical body can stay with us in spirit when we take them into our hearts and celebrate the joy they have brought to our lives. Once we become accustomed to the loss of their physical presence, we can have them with us always be in our hearts. And of course, this belief does not refer only to our animals. My darling Mother danced over the Rainbow Bridge to join my Dad on Valentine’s Day two years ago in her 94th year. As I write this, tears flood my eyes, but I now hold her close in my heart with my Dad, and have them both with me every minute of the day instead of just once a year or several times a week on the phone. I believe the animals who have been so close to us can also fill our hearts. I share Karin’s marvelous story to give hope to those of you who have lost a beloved family member, whether it be two-legged, four-legged, feathered, finned or furred.

Blessings on this Easter Day,


image courtesy


The Miracle of Avignon

If you don’t believe in miracles perhaps this story will change your mind. It’s regarding the rescue of the 19-year old, curlyhaired dog named Buelle.

Buelle is a member of the Frédéric Pignon/Magali Delgado family who looks like she may have miniature poodle and terrier blood in her veins. She is deaf and does not see well and won’t let strangers touch her at all. On the day before the horse expo Fred and Magali returned home after midnight to discover that Buelle was missing.

TTouch Prac Sandra Klein Interviews Venerable Gonsar Rinpoche About Dogs in Tibetan Monasteries

While teaching an Advanced TTouch training to our Swiss companion animal practitioners last September, TTouch Practitioner Sandra Klein told me about an interview she had done with a Tibetan Rinpoche, asking him about his connection to Tibetan Spaniels and Buddhist thinking about dogs. Sandra breeds Tibetan Spaniels and you can also enjoy her photos of spectacular Swiss landscapes at Tibetan


Please Pass the Salmon!

Here is another valuable tip from Dr. Nancy Kay – Fish oil to reduce stiffness or soreness, which may effect large dogs over the age of one year, and be indicated if your dog is slow to get up after sleeping or stiff after hard exercise. In addition to the acupuncture and supplements recommended by Dr. Kay, you can administer a few minutes of gentle Raccoon TTouches each day. The two in combination can be very effective.

From My Inbox: TTouch Instructors & Practitioners Share Their Knowledge for the Benefit of Shayna

This story sent by TTouch Practitioner-in-training, Tina Leonard, is the type of inspiration that comes across my computer screen so often, and keeps me passionate about sharing this work. The quality of people who are attracted, and the willingness to share and help each other is just profound.

Over the years TTouch has helped so many animals whose loving people were told there was no hope for them. Maybe someday you will have such a situation and remember this story and not give up.

Heart Hugs to you all,


Dr. Nancy Kay’s Guidelines for Finding a Reputable Dog Breeder

In 2008 I had the pleasure of visiting with Dr. Nancy Kay when she spent a day at my horse training in Sonoma country. I was very impressed with the depth of her knowledge and her wonderful attitude. I have her permission to reprint her latest blog post on tips for choosing a dog to suit your lifestyle. It contains helpful information on adopting from a shelter or rescue organization or what you should expect from a reputable breeder if you choose that route. I’ve seen too many puppies who are mentally, emotionally or physically handicapped who caused their people much grief and expense as they matured. It’s important to make the right, informed choices. I suggest you study carefully all the points she makes about choosing a reputable breeder. There are so many breeders who do not meet the criteria listed by Dr. Kay.

In invite you to sign up to receive Dr. Kay’s blog, Speaking for Spot via email or RSS reader and buy her informative book, Speaking for Spot: Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs to Live A Happy, Healthy, Longer Life.  Here’s the article: (more…)

Dr. Nancy Kay's Guidelines for Finding a Reputable Dog Breeder

In 2008 I had the pleasure of visiting with Dr. Nancy Kay when she spent a day at my horse training in Sonoma country. I was very impressed with the depth of her knowledge and her wonderful attitude. I have her permission to reprint her latest blog post on tips for choosing a dog to suit your lifestyle. It contains helpful information on adopting from a shelter or rescue organization or what you should expect from a reputable breeder if you choose that route. I’ve seen too many puppies who are mentally, emotionally or physically handicapped who caused their people much grief and expense as they matured. It’s important to make the right, informed choices. I suggest you study carefully all the points she makes about choosing a reputable breeder. There are so many breeders who do not meet the criteria listed by Dr. Kay.

In invite you to sign up to receive Dr. Kay’s blog, Speaking for Spot via email or RSS reader and buy her informative book, Speaking for Spot: Be the Advocate Your Dog Needs to Live A Happy, Healthy, Longer Life.  Here’s the article: (more…)

What We Can Learn About Phantom TTouches from A Rescued Dog: Holding the Intention of Healing and Perfection

I received a very interesting though sad and sometimes horrifying email through our TTouch® Yahoo Group from a very dedicated TTouch Practitioner trainee who works with rescue animals in Escondido California. The dog Linda Troup describes has suffered immensely. But it is my hope that this suffering will be lessened with the work that Linda is doing. Through the work of Phantom TTouch (and for those who are inexperienced in this area there is useful evidence of the effectiveness of remote healing, and as my grandfather used to say about body work for horses, “it can’t hurt”. In this way anyone interested can work to lessen the pain of all beings and improve the quality of their lives.


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